

台灣米亞瑪秉持客戶至上,品質第一之原則,擁有堅實的專業經營團隊,進行產品研發,不斷設計創新產品並對產品進行高品質管制,並提供誠信、專業、效率之服務,全力為提升及保證客戶對產品之信賴感而努力。 現今台灣米亞瑪除專注全球市場深耕工程本業,且積極邁向多角化經營,擴大營運規模,未來,台灣米亞瑪有信心成為具有卓越創新的國際事業集團。


Miyama Corporate Group擁有享譽世界的品質及專業員工,近年來除通過國際ISO9001的認證之外,亦獲得歐美各國工務單位及營造單位的認證,並依循各國客戶不同的需求完成各項設計及生產。這些成果都顯示我們致力於讓產品在各國不同環境要求下,獲得不僅是國際檢驗標準的認證更能符合各地不同使用標準的許可。這也再次向我們的客戶保證他們所購買的產品確實擁有最高的品質的保障。

About Us

The Miyama Corporate Group has served the construction industry since 1964. First formed as a company that produced stepping irons, our innovative-patented products quickly helped the company evolve into a world leader in its field. The reputation for quality products that go the distance as well as knowledgeable staff has helped boost recognition among government organizations, architects, engineers and contractors. With many years of experience developing real solutions for the construction industry, Miyama has expanded its product range from stepping irons to include Glassfibre Reinforced Polyester (GRP) grating, manhole covers, access panels, ladders and many other associated products.

Our headoffice is located in Tokyo, Japan, and we have also expanded our manufacturing operations to South Korea, Taiwan, Australia and the United States. However, with the ever increasing demand for the quality of Miyama`s product range, we have recently established a manufacturing company in Greece to supply areas such as Europe, Africa and Middle East. This expansion into the world market of supplying equipment for underground utilities has always had the same basic goal; to manufacture the highest quality product available, and still bring it to you at a competitive price

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